Daily Christian Advocate Exerpts

Used with permission

Ministry Study Will Be First Item of Business

Assuming General Conference delegates approve suggested plan of action, the first item of business will be the Study of Ministry.

The Committee on the Plan or Organization and Rules of Order is suggesting that the Council of Bishops present its recommendations about ministry to a plenary session tomorrow morning following the laity address.

After presentation of the study, General Conference will divide into 25 randomly selected non-legislative groups for 90- minutes of reflection and dialogue on the study. Each group will be led by a bishop and will include a person who is not a delegate to serve as a recorder.

Late tomorrow evening the leaders and recorders will identify areas of consensus as well as issues or questions. On Thursday, Judy Weidman, general secretary of UM communications, will present a summary of committee responses and a bishop will have an opportunity to make additional comments.

The 280 petitions from the council of Bishop on ministry issues will then move to the Legislative Committee on Ordained and Diaconal Ministries. That group will also deal with 36 petitions proposing amendments to the ministry study and an additional 736 petitions on other aspects of ministry for a whopping total of 1.052 petitions.

The bishops are proposing:

*Affirmation of the ministry of all Christians.

*The creation of a "lay ministry steward" office in the local church composed of persons who discuss their call with the pastor and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee, complete a course of study prescribed by the General Board of Discipleship and are annually elected by the charge conference.

*An order of deacon who have received a master's degree and completed two years in a service setting. All persons who are ordained deacon would serve a minimum of three years as a probationary member of the annual conference before election as full clergy members. The order would include persons in candidacy for elders orders and non-itinerating clergy who formerly would have been consecrated as diaconal ministers.

*Procedures whereby present diaconal ministers may be ordained as deacons or permitted to continue as diaconal ministers.

*Provision for some local pastors to complete a course of study and remain in this status without the currently required college work.

*An opening of the possibility for deacons to be licensed as local pastors.