1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 207


Section III. Churches in Transitional Communities

¶ 207. Since many of the communities in which the local Church is located are experiencing transition, special attention must be given to forms of ministry required in such communities. The local Church is required to respond to the changes which are occurring in its surrounding community and to organize its mission and ministry accordingly.

1. When the communities where the Church is located experience transition especially identified as economic and or ethnic, the local Church shall engage in deliberate analysis of the neighborhood change and alter its program to meet the needs and cultural patterns of the new residents. The local Church shall make every effort to remain in the neighborhood and develop effective ministries to those who are newcomers, whether of a cultural, economic, or ethnic group different from the original or present members.

2. In communities in transition the local Church shall be regarded as a principal base of mission from which structures of society shall be confronted, evangelization shall occur, and a principal witness to the changing community shall be realized.

3. It is recommended that decisions concerning ministry in transitional communities be made after thorough consultation has taken place between structures and agencies in the connection.

4. It is recommended that the commitment of resources in terms of money and personnel to ministries in transitional communities be of sufficient longevity to allow for experimentation, evaluation, and mid-course corrections to ensure an adequate effort in ministry in those situations. Evaluations shall involve those on the local level, as well as those at the funding level.

5. The ministry of the local Church in transitional areas may be enhanced by review of, and possible development of, some form of cooperative parish ministry.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 207
1996 United Methodist General Conference