1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 232


Membership Records and Reports

232. Each local Church shall accurately maintain the following membership rolls:

1. Full Membership Roll (209).

2. Preparatory Membership Roll (216.4), containing the names and pertinent information of baptized children and youth of the Church eighteen years of age and under who are not full members, and other persons who have been enrolled in confirmation preparation.

3. Members Removed by Charge Conference Action (230.4).

4. Constituency Roll, containing the names and addresses of such persons as are not members of the Church concerned, including unbaptized children, dedicated children, Church school members, preparatory members who have reached the age of nineteen who have not been received into full membership, and other nonmembers for whom the local Church has pastoral responsibility.

5. Affiliate Membership Roll (227).

6. Associate Membership Roll (227).

7. In the case of a Union or Federated church with a church of another denomination, the governing body of such a church may report an equal share of the total membership to each judicatory, and such membership shall be published in the minutes of each church with a note to the effect that the report is that of a Union or Federated church and with an indication of the total actual membership.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 232
1996 United Methodist General Conference