1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 259


259. The basic membership of the council on ministries shall include the following insofar as the offices and relationships exist within the local Church: the pastor and other staff persons who are engaged in program work; the chairperson of the council on ministries; the chairperson of the administrative board; the lay leader; the president of United Methodist Women; the president of United Methodist Men; the superintendent of the church school; the coordinators of age levels: children, youth, and adult; a coordinator of family ministry; the chairperson of each work area: Christian unity and interreligious concerns, church and society, community volunteers, education, evangelism, higher education and campus ministry, missions, religion and race, status and role of women, stewardship, and worship; the coordinator of communications; the local Church health and welfare ministries representative; a lay member of annual conference; two youth members (twelve through eighteen), two young adult members (nineteen through thirty), and two older adult members (over sixty-five years of age) of the congregation if not otherwise provided for.

The charge conference may elect to the council on ministries upon nomination of the committee on nominations and personnel: a representative of United Methodist Youth Ministry, coordinator of young adult ministries, coordinator of scouting ministries, coordinator of older adult ministries, coordinator of single adult ministries, persons in ministry with persons who have handicapping conditions, and other persons on the basis of their competency in program planning.

The officers of the council on ministries shall be a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, and a secretary. All officers shall be lay persons or clergypersons who are not members of the local staff. The chairperson shall be elected by the charge conference; the vice-chairperson and secretary shall be elected by the council from its own membership.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 259
1996 United Methodist General Conference