1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 266


266. Age-Level and Family Councils.--Where the size of the church and the extent of the program indicate the need, the work of the Council on Ministries or Administrative Council may be facilitated by one or more age-level councils and/or a family council, or such other means as fit the needs of the congregation. The age-level councils shall work under the leadership of the age-level coordinators to expedite the work of the Council on Ministries or Administrative Council in adapting the program to the age level.

The membership of these councils, except for ex officio members, shall be elected by the Council on Ministries or Administrative Council and may include the following:

1. Children's Council.--Representative teachers and leaders of children's activities of the church (including its activities in music and the other arts), representative parents, and representatives of work areas (Christian unity and interreligious concerns, Church and society, education, evangelism, higher education and campus ministry, missions, religion and race, status and role of women, stewardship, and worship) related to the church's ministry with children. The council may also include the director of the weekday nursery school or day care center is sponsored by the local church.

2. Youth Council.--Representatives of adult leaders and counselors of youth, representative parents, representatives of work areas (Christian unity and interreligious concerns, Church and society, education, evangelism, higher education and campus ministry, missions, religion and race, status and role of women, stewardship, and worship) related to the church's ministry with youth, representatives of the church's activities in music and the other arts, a youth and an adult from each youth-serving organization sponsored by the church, and in a number that is at least one youth for each adult on the council.

3. Adult Council.--Representatives of adult study/action groups, fellowship groups, administrative groups, and service organizations such as United Methodist Women, United Methodist Men, and special adult ministries; and representatives of work areas (Christian unity and interreligious concerns, Church and society, education, evangelism, higher education and campus ministry, missions, religion and race, status and role of women, stewardship, and worship) related to the church's ministry with adults. Where special adult ministries would be enhanced, a Young Adult, a Single Adult, and/or an Older Adult Council may be organized.

4. Family Council.-- When the size of the church and the extent of the program indicate the need, the Council on Ministries or Administrative Council may designate a group including representatives of the age-group councils and work areas to work with the coordinator in planning program suggestions to be submitted to the Council on Ministries or Administrative Council.

The pastor or a member of the professional staff of the church appointed by the pastor shall be an ex officio member of each council. Additional members, such as representatives of community agencies, may be elected to each council on the basis of their interest and competency.

The coordinators shall serve as the chairpersons of their respective councils except that the Council on Ministries or Administrative Council may authorize the Youth Council to elect its own chairperson.


General Conference Index | PETS Index | 1992 Book of Discipline Index

General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 266
1996 United Methodist General Conference