1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 269


269. Classes, Class Leaders, and Class Meetings--A structure for classes, class leaders, and class meetings may be organized within the local congregation with the following responsibilities and programs:

1. Classes may be organized by the council on ministries or administrative council for the purpose of Christian witness and accountable discipleship in the community.

2. Classes may be formed as regional groups, clusters of families, interest groups, age-level groups, or as designated by the council.

3. Where classes are formed, class leaders shall be appointed by the charge conference to lead and coordinate the classes under the direct supervision of the pastor.

4. Classes may be convened regularly as class meetings for the purpose of:

Bible study and prayer; spiritual nurture in homes; care and support of members; evangelistic outreach; involvement of new members; accountable discipleship in the community.

5. Classes also may function without being regularly convened, as pastoral subgroupings of the congregation whereby members receive guidance from class leaders in the basics of Christian discipleship.

6. Where class leaders are appointed, they shall meet regularly with the pastor and the lay leader of the congregation.

7. Class leaders may be members of the council on ministries or administrative council.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 269
1996 United Methodist General Conference