1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 270


Administrative Committees

270. 1. There shall be elected annually by the charge conference in each local church a committee on nominations and personnel who are members of the local Church. This committee is to be composed of not more than nine persons, in addition to the pastor and the lay leader. The pastor shall be the chairperson. The committee shall nominate to the charge conference or Church conference in its annual session such officers and members of the administrative council or administrative board and charge conference and committees as the law of the Church requires or as the conference may determine as necessary to its work; provided that to secure experience and stability the membership shall be divided into three classes, one of which shall be elected each year for a three-year term; provided further, that to begin the process of rotation on the first year one class be elected for one year, one class for two years, and one for three years; provided further, that each year the new class of members to serve on the committee on nominations and personnel, and vacancies as they occur, shall be elected from nominees from the floor. At least one youth and one young adult, elected by the charge conference or Church conference, shall serve as members of the committee on nominations and personnel. Churches are encouraged to establish a policy that retiring members of the committee on nominations and personnel not succeed themselves.

The committee on nominations and personnel shall serve throughout the year to guide the administrative council or administrative board on personnel matters (other than employed staff) and recruit, support, and recognize leaders and provide for their training so as to coordinate the leadership and service needs with personnel of the congregation, working in relationship to the committees and work areas of the administrative council or the administrative board and council on ministries in both its nominations and personnel guidance.

In the nomination process, care shall be given that each board, committee, council, and work area, as well as the total nominated personnel shall, insofar as possible, be representative of the age level, sexual, cultural, racial/ethnic membership, as well as economic, social, and theological orientation of the congregation.

2. There shall be a committee on pastor-parish relations (staff-parish relations) of not fewer than five nor more than nine lay persons representative of the total charge. However, there may be situations where the multi-language needs of a particular charge warrant a larger committee. One of the five to nine persons shall be a young adult. One of the five to nine persons may be a senior high youth. All shall be members of the local church or charge except where central conference legislation provides otherwise. No staff member or immediate family member of a pastor or staff member may serve on the committee. In addition to the five to nine persons, a lay member of annual conference shall also be a member. Only one person from an immediate family residing in one same household shall serve on the committee. If a person ineligible to serve on the committee is elected as a lay member to annual conference, then the committee shall consist of the five to nine persons only.

a) The members, including the chairperson, shall be elected by the charge conference upon nomination by the committee on nominations and personnel. In order to secure experience and stability, the membership (not including the lay member of annual conference) shall be divided into three classes, one of which shall be elected each year for a three-year term. Where there is more than one Church on a charge, the committee shall include at least one representative from each congregation with a representative of each church to be a member of that church's administrative council or administrative board. Churches are encouraged to establish a policy that retiring members of the committee on pastor-parish relations (staff-parish relations) not succeed themselves.

b) In those charges where there is a multiple staff, full or part time, or there are members who are diaconal ministers appointed beyond the local Church, the committee shall relate to the entire staff and all diaconal ministers, clergy and lay, providing to all staff members direct personal and professional access to the committee on pastor-parish relations as well as to the pastor, the district superintendent, and the bishop. In such cases the committee may be known as the committee on staff-parish relations.

c) In those charges where there is more than one Church, the committee shall include at least one representative from each local Church. The charge conference may appoint a local Church pastoral advisory committee for those Churches desiring such a committee. The advisory committee shall consist of three persons placed in three classes with the chairperson serving as a member of the charge committee. The committee shall meet upon request of the pastor or of the chairperson, and its duties shall be those outlined in 270.2f(1) and (2). The committee shall meet only with the knowledge of the pastor.

d) The committees on pastor-parish relations of charges which are in cooperative parish ministries shall meet together to consider the professional leadership needs of the cooperative parish ministry as a whole. Where churches are organized as a larger parish the committee on pastor-parish relations shall consist of at least one representative from each church. Individual churches may form pastoral advisory committees as needed.

e) The committee shall meet at least quarterly. It shall meet additionally at the request of the bishop, the district superintendent, the pastor, any member of the professional staff, or the chairperson of the committee. To fulfill his/her obligation under ordination, his/her connectional responsibility under appointment, and his/her duty as a pastor, the pastor should be present at each meeting of the committee on pastor-parish relations except where he/she voluntarily excuses himself/herself. The committee shall meet only with the knowledge of the pastor and/or the district superintendent. It may meet with the district superintendent without the pastor being present. However, the pastor or any member of the staff under consideration, shall be notified prior to such meeting at which his/her employment is discussed, and be brought into consultation immediately thereafter. In the event that only one congregation on a charge containing more than one Church has concerns which it wishes to share, its member(s) in the committee may meet separately with the pastor or any member of the professional staff or the district superintendent, but only with the knowledge of the pastor and/or district superintendent. The committee may meet in closed session upon recommendation of the pastor, or any other person accountable to the committee, or the chairperson of the committee, or the district superintendent.

f) The duties of the committee shall include the following:

(1) To confer and counsel with the pastor and staff in making an effective ministry by being available for counsel, keeping the pastor and staff advised concerning conditions within the congregation as they affect relations between the pastor/staff and the people, and continually interpreting to the people the nature and function of the ministry, including cross-racial appointments, appointments of women, and sensitivity to open itineracy.

(2) To counsel with the pastor and staff on matters pertaining to their relationship with the congregation, including priorities to be given in the use of their time and skill in relation to the goals and objectives set for the congregation's mission and the demands upon the ministry.

(3) Provide evaluation annually for the pastor's and staff's use in an ongoing effective ministry and for identifying continuing education needs and plans. The criteria, processes, and training for evaluation and continuing education shall be developed by the conference board of ordained ministry and cabinet (444, 445), and, where applicable, the conference board of diaconal ministry.

(4) To consult on matters pertaining to pulpit supply, proposals for compensation, travel expense, vacation, health and life insurance, pension, housing (which may be a Church-owned parsonage or housing allowance in lieu of parsonage if in compliance with the policy of the annual conference), and other practical matters affecting the work and families of the pastor and staff, and to make annual recommendations regarding such matters to the administrative council or administrative board, reporting budget items to the committee on finance. The parsonage is to be mutually respected by the pastor's family as the property of the Church and by the Church as a place of privacy for the pastor's family. The chairperson of the committee on pastor-parish relations, the chairperson of the board of trustees, and pastor shall make an annual review of the Church-owned parsonage to assure proper maintenance.

(5) To consult with the pastor and staff concerning continuing education and spiritual renewal, and to arrange with the administrative council or administrative board for the necessary time and financial assistance for the attendance of the pastor and/or staff at such continuing education and spiritual renewal events as may serve their professional and spiritual growth.

(6) To enlist, interview, evaluate, review, and recommend annually to the charge conference persons for candidacy for ordained and diaconal ministries, and to enlist and refer to the General Board of Global Ministries persons for candidacy for missionary service, recognizing that The United Methodist Church affirms the biblical and theological support of women and men of all races and ethnic origin for these ministries. The committee shall provide to the charge conference a list of students from the charge who are preparing for ordained ministry, diaconal ministry, and/or missionary service, and shall maintain contact with these students, supplying the charge conference with a progress report on each student.

(7) To interpret preparation for ordained ministry and the Ministerial Education Fund to the congregation.

(8) To confer with the pastor and/or other appointed members of the staff if it should become evident that the best interests of the charge and pastor(s) will be served by a change of pastor(s). The committee shall cooperate with the pastor(s), the district superintendent, and the bishop in securing clergy leadership. Its relationship to the district superintendent and the bishop shall be advisory only. (See 530-533.)

(9) To recommend to the administrative council or administrative board, after consultation with the pastor and the council on ministries (where such exists), the professional and other staff positions needed to carry out the work of the Church or charge. The committee and the pastor shall recommend to the administrative board or council a written statement of policy and procedures regarding the process for hiring, evaluating, promoting, retiring, and dismissing staff personnel who are not subject to episcopal appointment as ordained clergy. Until such a policy has been adopted, the committee and the pastor shall have the authority to hire, evaluate, promote, retire, and dismiss nonappointed personnel. When persons are hired, consideration shall be given to the training qualifications and certification standards set forth by the general Church agency to which such positions are related. The committee shall further recommend to the administrative council or administrative board a provision for adequate health and life insurance, pension benefits, and severance pay for all lay employees.

(10) To recommend to the charge conference, when the size of the employed staff of the charge makes it desirable, the establishment of a personnel committee. This committee shall be composed of such members of the committee on pastor-parish relations as it may designate and such additional members as the charge conference may determine.

3. There shall be a board of trustees whose membership and duties are detailed in 2525-2550.

4. There shall be a committee on finance, elected annually by the charge conference upon nomination by the committee on nominations and personnel, composed of the chairperson; the pastor(s); a lay member of the annual conference; the chairperson of the administrative council, or the chairpersons of the administrative board and council on ministries; a representative of the trustees to be selected by the trustees; the chairperson of the work area on stewardship; the lay leader; the financial secretary; the treasurer; the Church business administrator; and other members to be added as the charge conference may determine. It is recommended that the chairperson of the committee on finance shall be a member of the administrative council or administrative board. The financial secretary, treasurer, and Church business administrator, if paid employees, shall be members without vote.

Inasmuch as giving is clearly an integral part of Christian life, a program should be developed within every local Church to engage in a stewardship education program which reflects a biblical understanding of wholistic stewardship and proportionate giving and tithing. This program should be auxiliary to the area of stewardship in the General Board of Discipleship (1214; see 262.10).

All financial askings to be included in the annual budget of the local Church shall be submitted to the committee on finance. The committee on finance shall compile annually a complete budget for the local Church and submit it to the administrative council or administrative board for review and adoption. The committee on finance shall be charged with responsibility for developing and implementing plans which will raise sufficient income to meet the budget adopted by the administrative council or administrative board. It shall administer the funds received according to instructions from the administrative council or administrative board.

The committee shall carry out the administrative council's or administrative board's directions in guiding the treasurer(s) and financial secretary.

a) The committee shall designate at least two persons (preferably not of the same family) to count the offering, giving a record of funds received to both the financial secretary and Church treasurer. Funds received shall be deposited promptly in accordance with procedures established by the committee on finance. The financial secretary shall keep records of the contributions and payments.

b) The Church treasurer(s) shall disburse all money contributed to causes represented in the local church budget, and such other funds and contributions as the administrative council or administrative board may determine. The treasurer(s) shall remit each month to the conference treasurer all World Service and conference Benevolence funds then on hand. Contributions to benevolence shall not be used for any cause other than that to which they have been given. The Church treasurer shall make regular and detailed reports on funds received and expended to the committee on finance and the administrative council or administrative board.12 The treasurer(s) shall be adequately bonded.

c) The committee shall make provision for an annual audit of the records of the financial officers of the local Church and all its organizations and shall report to the charge conference.

d) The committee shall recommend to the administrative council or administrative board proper depositories for the Church's funds. Funds received shall be deposited promptly in the name of the local Church.

e) Contributions designated for specific causes and objects shall be promptly forwarded according to the intent of the donor and shall not be used for any other purpose.

f) After the budget of the local Church has been approved, additional appropriations or changes in the budget must be approved by the administrative council or administrative board.

g) The committee shall prepare annually a report to the administrative council or administrative board of all designated funds which are separate from the current expense budget.

5. The administrative council or administrative board may appoint such other committees as it deems advisable, including: committee on communications, committee on records and history, committee on health and welfare, and committee on memorial gifts.

12See Judicial Council Decisions 63, 320, 539.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 270
1996 United Methodist General Conference