1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 456


456. Readmission after Honorable or Administrative Location--Ordained ministers requesting readmission after honorable or administrative location must meet the following conditions:

1. Presentation of their certificate of location.

2. A satisfactory report and recommendation by the charge conference and pastor of the local Church in which their membership is held.

3. A satisfactory certificate of good health on the prescribed form from a physician approved by the board of ordained ministry. The board of ordained ministry should require psychological evaluation.

4. Recommendation by the district committee on ordained ministry, the board of ordained ministry, and the cabinet, after review of their qualifications and the circumstances relating to their location. When reinstated by vote of the clergy members in full connection of the annual conference that granted the location, their membership in the conference shall be restored, and they shall be authorized to perform all ministerial functions. The conference board of ordained ministry may require at least one year of service as a local pastor prior to readmission to conference membership.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 456
1996 United Methodist General Conference