1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 515


515. Presidential Duties--1. To preside in the General, jurisdictional, central, and annual conferences.8

2. To provide general oversight for the fiscal and program operations of the annual conference(s). This may include special inquiry into the work of agencies to assure that the annual conference and general church policies and procedures are followed.

3. To ensure fair process for clergy and laity as set forth in 2622 in all involuntary administrative and judicial proceedings through monitoring the performance of annual conference officials, boards, and committees charged with implementing such procedures.

4. To form the districts after consultation with the district superintendents and after the number of the same has been determined by vote of the annual conference.9

5. To appoint the district superintendents annually (517-518).

6. To consecrate bishops, to ordain elders and deacons, to consecrate diaconal ministers, to commission deaconesses and missionaries, and to see that the names of the persons commissioned and consecrated are entered on the journals of the conference and that proper credentials are furnished to these persons. As these services are acts of the whole Church, text and rubrics are to be used as approved by the General Conference.

7. To fix the appointments of deaconesses and missionaries and to see that the names and appointments are printed in the journals of the conference.

8See Judicial Council Decision 395.

9See Judicial Council Decision 422.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 515
1996 United Methodist General Conference