1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 611


611. The secretary of the General Conference shall be responsible for the permanent record of the General Conference which shall include:

1. Corrections to the Daily Christian Advocate. The editor will then file with the Commission on Archives and History two bound copies of the Daily Christian Advocate and corrections as the official record of General Conference. Bound copies shall also be made available at cost by The United Methodist Publishing House.

2. A Book of Resolutions to be edited by The United Methodist Publishing House. The book shall contain all valid resolutions of the General Conference. The preface of The Book of Resolutions shall include the guidelines for writing resolutions.

a) Resolutions and positions adopted by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church are valid until they are specifically rescinded, amended, or superseded by action of subsequent sessions of the General Conference. All valid resolutions and positions of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church beginning with those adopted by the 1968 Uniting Conference shall be listed in each edition of The Book of Resolutions. There shall be a complete subject index to all valid resolutions of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church in each edition of The Book of Resolutions.

b) The General Council on Ministries and the program boards and agencies shall review all valid resolutions and recommend to the General Conference the removal of time-dated material.

3. The Advance Edition of the Daily Christian Advocate and the Daily Christian Advocate.

4. All original documents of a General Conference shall be filed with the General Commission on Archives and History.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 611
1996 United Methodist General Conference