1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 623


623. Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy--1. There shall be a Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy consisting of one clergy and one lay delegate to the jurisdictional conference from each annual conference elected by the jurisdictional conference upon nomination of their respective annual conference delegations.5

The committee shall be convened by the president of the College of Bishops at the close of the jurisdictional conference to which the delegates have been elected. It shall serve through the succeeding jurisdictional conference.

The committee shall elect from its members a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, and a secretary. It shall meet at least biennially.

Should there be a vacancy in an annual conference's elected representation on the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy by death, resignation, election to the episcopacy, cessation of membership in the annual conference from which one is elected, or for other reasons that the annual conference delegation may determine, the annual conference delegation shall nominate another person to fill the vacancy. That person may begin to serve on the committee as a nominee until the jurisdictional conference can elect.

2. The jurisdictional conference shall provide funding for the expenses of the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy.

3. The jurisdictional committee on episcopacy shall:

a) Review the work of the bishops, pass on their character and official administration, and report to the jurisdictional conference its findings for such action as the conference may deem appropriate within its constitutional warrant of power.

b) Recommend boundaries of the episcopal areas and the assignments of the bishops.6

c) Be available to the Council/College of Bishops for consultation on matters of mutual concern.

d) Determine the number of effective bishops eligible for assignment.

e) Receive and act upon requests for possible voluntary and involuntary retirement of bishops.

f) Consult with the conference committees on episcopacy with respect to the needs for episcopal leadership and how best they can be fulfilled.

g) Establish a consultation process with each bishop regarding his/her episcopal assignment.

h) Prepare a report of its decisions, activities, and recommendations to be transmitted to its successor through the office of the secretary of the jurisdictional conference. The report shall be made available to delegates of the jurisdictional conference prior to the jurisdictional conference.

5See Judicial Council Decision 472.

6See Judicial Council Decision 517.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 623
1996 United Methodist General Conference