1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 636


Section III. Central Conferences

636. Authorization--1. In territory outside the United States, annual conferences, provisional annual conferences, missionary conferences, mission conferences, and missions in such numbers as the General Conference by a two-thirds vote shall determine may be organized by the General Conference into central conferences or provisional central conferences, with such duties, privileges, and powers as are hereinafter set forth and as the General Conference by a two-thirds vote shall prescribe.7

2. There shall be such Central Conferences as have been authorized or shall be hereafter authorized by the General Conference; provided that a central conference shall have a total of at least thirty clergy and thirty lay delegates on the basis of representation as set forth in this section, except as the General Conference may fix a different number. A central conference in existence at the time of union may be continued with a lesser number of delegates for reasons deemed sufficient by the Uniting Conference.

3. The United Methodist Church shall have central conferences made up as follows:

a) Africa Central Conference: Angola, Burundi, Central Zaire, Mozambique (Southeast Africa), North Shaba, South Africa, Southern Zaire, Zimbabwe.

b) Central and Southern Europe Central Conference: Austria Provisional, Bulgaria Provisional, Czechoslovakia, Hungary Provisional, Poland, Switzerland/France, Yugoslavia Provisional.

c) Central Conference in the Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin: German Northwest, German South, German Southwest.

d) Central Conference in the German Democratic Republic: Annual Conference in the German Democratic Republic.

e) Northern Europe Central Conference: Denmark, Estonia Provisional, Finland-Finnish Provisional, Finland-Swedish Provisional, Norway, Sweden.

f) Philippines Central Conference: Middle Philippines, Mindanao, Northern Philippines, Northwest Philippines, Philippines, Southwest Philippines Provisional.

g) West Africa Central Conference: Liberia, Muri Provisional (Nigeria), Sierra Leone.

7See Judicial Council Decisions 470, 549.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 636
1996 United Methodist General Conference