1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 648


648. Affiliated Autonomous Methodist Churches--A self-governing Church in whose establishment The United Methodist Church or one of its constituent members (The Evangelical United Brethren Church and The Methodist Church) has assisted, and which, by mutual agreement has entered into a covenant of relationship or in an Act of Covenanting (see 650) with The United Methodist Church, shall be known as an Affiliated Autonomous Methodist Church.

Such an agreement shall include the following provisions:

1. Certificates of Church membership given by clergy in one church shall be accepted by clergy in the other Church.

2. Clergy may be transferred between annual and provisional annual conferences of The United Methodist Church and of affiliated autonomous Methodist Churches, and their ordination(s) recognized as valid, with the approval and consent of the bishops or other appointive authorities involved.

3. Each affiliated autonomous Methodist Church shall be entitled to two delegates, one clergy and one lay person, to the General Conference of The United Methodist Church in accordance with 2401.2. They shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of delegates, including membership on committees, except the right to vote. Such a church having more than seventy thousand full members shall be entitled to one additional delegate. At least one of the three delegates shall be a woman. The bishop or president of the Affiliated autonomous Methodist Churches may be invited by the Council of Bishops to the General Conference.

4. A program of mutual visitation may be arranged by the Council of Bishops in cooperation with the equivalent leadership of the affiliated autonomous Church. The Council of Bishops may assign one or more of its members for visitation to such Churches.

5. Other provisions shall be as mutually agreed upon by the two churches.

6. The Council of Bishops, in consultation with the General Board of Global Ministries, shall work out plans of cooperation with that church. The General Board of Global Ministries shall serve as the agent of The United Methodist Church for a continuing dialogue looking to the establishment of mutual mission priorities including, but not limited to, the exchange of personnel and financial resources.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 648
1996 United Methodist General Conference