1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 650


Becoming a Covenanting Church

650. A Covenanting Church--1. There may be established with autonomous Methodist Churches, affiliated autonomous Methodist Churches, affiliated United Churches, or with other Christian Churches and The United Methodist Church a covenanting relationship whose elements are described in the 1988 Book of Resolutions or otherwise developed.

a) The purpose of an Act of Covenanting with another Christian church is to encourage a new sense of global common cause, mutual support, mutual spiritual growth, common study of Scripture and culture, creative interaction as ministers in the mission of God's church, cross fertilization of ideas about ways to be in that mission, sharing of resources, and exploration of new forms of service directed at old and emerging needs.

b) An act of covenanting will include recognition of our respective Baptisms as different facets of the one Baptism, recognition of each other as authentic expressions of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church of Jesus Christ; recognition of the ordained ministries of the two churches; commitment to systematic participation in full eucharistic fellowship; commitment to function in new ways of partnership, visitations, and programs.

c) For The United Methodist Church, oversight of the covenantal relationships is the responsibility of the Council of Bishops with the assistance of the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, while participation in specific projects is the responsibility of the appropriate general agency or agencies.

2. The Council of Bishops shall represent The United Methodist Church in developing an act of covenanting with a prospective partner church. The Council of Bishops shall make recommendations to General Conference as to the specific covenanting agreements. When approved by General Conference and by the chief legislative body of the partner church, the act of covenanting becomes effective when signed by the president of the Council of Bishops and the secretary of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church and by the authorized persons in the covenanting church. The text of each act of covenanting as adopted shall be printed in the appropriate General Conference journal.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 650
1996 United Methodist General Conference