1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 652


Becoming an Autonomous Methodist or United Church

652. When conferences in nations other than the United States which are parts of The United Methodist Church desire to become an autonomous Methodist or United Church, approval shall first be secured from the Central Conference involved and this decision be ratified by the Annual Conferences within the Central Conference by two-thirds majority of the aggregate votes cast by the Annual Conferences.

1. The conference shall prepare an historical record with reasons why autonomy is requested, and shall consult with the Commission on Central Conference Affairs (2301) on proceedings for autonomy.

2. The Commission on Central Conference Affairs and the conferences involved shall mutually agree on the confession of faith and the constitution of the new Church. These shall be prepared with care and shall be approved by the conferences.

3. Preparation of its Discipline is the responsibility of the conference(s) desiring autonomy.

4. Upon recommendation of the Commission on Central Conference Affairs, when all disciplinary requirements for autonomous relationship have been met, the General Conference through an enabling act shall approve of and grant permission for the conference(s) involved to become an autonomous Methodist or United Church.

5. Then the central conference involved shall meet, declare the present relationship between The United Methodist Church and the conference(s) involved dissolved, and reorganize as an autonomous Methodist or United Church in accordance with the enabling act granted by the General Conference. The Commission on Central Conference Affairs shall assist in this process, and, when the plans are consummated, report to the Council of Bishops. The proclamation of autonomous status shall then be signed by the president of the Council of Bishops and the secretary of the General Conference.

6. A plan of cooperation shall be developed in accordance with 647.6 above.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 652
1996 United Methodist General Conference