1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 664


664. Establishment and Administration of a Mission--1. The General Board of Global Ministries, in consultation with the presiding bishop or bishops (514.5) of an annual conference(s), shall determine the need and set the boundaries for the mission established within an annual conference, across conference lines, or for another extended region or constituency.

2. A mission shall be made up of all regularly appointed missionaries, both lay and clergy (1418.3), mission traveling preachers, and other lay members. The mission shall determine the number of lay members and the method of their selection. In so doing it shall assure that all aspects of the mission's work are represented.22

3. When the mission lies within the bounds of one episcopal area, the resident bishop shall preside over the mission. When the mission crosses the boundaries of one or more episcopal areas or jurisdictions, the College(s) of Bishops shall assign a bishop to the mission.

The bishop assigned to a mission, in consultation with the deputy general secretary of the appropriate division of the General Board of Global Ministries, may appoint one or more superintendents of the mission as may be determined and for whom support has been provided. The bishop shall decide which groups or charges the respective superintendents shall supervise.

4. A mission shall meet annually at the time and place designated by the bishop in charge, who shall preside. In the absence of the bishop a superintendent of the mission shall preside. The presiding officer shall bring forward the regular business of the meeting and arrange the work.

5. The annual meeting shall have the power to certify candidates for the ordained ministry, to pass on the character of preachers who are not members of an annual conference, to receive mission traveling preachers, and to recommend to an annual conference proper persons for probationary membership and deacon's orders. The examination of local pastors shall be held by the mission and certified to an annual conference.

Mission traveling preachers are members of the mission without being members of an annual conference. The mission shall determine the requirements for a mission traveling preacher in order to most effectively utilize the indigenous leadership. They are limited in their itineration to the bounds of the mission.

6. The bishop shall, at the annual meeting, assign the missionaries and mission traveling preachers to the several charges for the ensuing year provided that transfer of National Division-related missionaries shall be completed only after consultation with the National Division of the General Board of Global Ministries.

7. Administration, initiation, and coordination of a mission in the United States, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and U.S. trust territories shall be in the National Division. Administration of a mission in other areas shall be in the World Division.

22See Judicial Council Decision 341.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 664
1996 United Methodist General Conference