1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 714


714. The council shall have the following authority and responsibility with respect to the auditing of the financial records of the conference and its agencies:

1. To have the accounts of the conference treasurer for the preceding fiscal year audited by a certified public accountant within 120 days after the close of the conference fiscal year, and to receive, review, and report such audit to the annual conference.53

As a part of the audit, the accountant shall confer with the presiding bishop of the annual conference and the president of the council.

2. To require and review at least annually audited reports, in such detail as it may direct, from all conference agencies and from all agencies, institutions, and organizations receiving any financial support from conference funds or from any authorized conference-wide appeal.

3. The council may establish an audit review committee to review all of the reports and audits required by 714.1, .2. If the council chooses to establish such a committee, at least half of its members should be persons who are not members of the council and who are chosen for their expertise in areas related to the work of the committee. Consideration shall be given to inclusiveness (103, 113) in the selection of persons to serve on the committee.

53See Judicial Council Decision 334.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 714
1996 United Methodist General Conference