1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 727


727. 1. There may be a conference Advance Program, established and carried out in the same spirit of partnership as the general Advance program.

2. A conference Advance special gift is one made to a conference Advance special project within bounds of the annual conference or episcopal area authorized by an annual conference upon recommendation by the conference board of global ministries or its equivalent structure and consistent with the goals of the Advance. The funds as received shall be administered by the conference board of global ministries or such structure as designated by the conference.

3. An annual conference may undertake a conference-wide campaign for a lump sum to be applied to its missionary and Church extension. The funds so received shall be designated as conference Advance specials and shall be administered by the conference board of global ministries or equivalent structure. Local Churches shall report their contributions as conference Advance specials.

4. With the approval of the annual conference, a district within the conference may authorize and promote Advance specials for Church extension and missionary needs within the district, such funds to be administered by a district missionary society organized for that purpose or by a similar body set up by the district. Such special funds secured and administered on a district level shall be reported by each local Church to the annual conference as conference Advance specials.

5. Local Churches shall report their contributions to general Advance specials and conference Advance specials to the charge conference and in the manner indicated on the annual conference report form.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 727
1996 United Methodist General Conference