1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 728


Other Conference Agencies

¶ 728. 1. The annual conference shall organize a Board of Church and Society or an equivalent structure that shall provide for church and society responsibilities related to the purpose, objectives, and responsibilities of the General Board of Church and Society, as set forth in ¶¶1102-1104.

2. The conference board of church and society or equivalent structure shall be composed of those persons as determined by the annual conference including as an ex-officio member the mission coordinator for Christian social involvement of the conference United Methodist Women. Guidelines for inclusiveness in the membership shall be followed (¶ 707.4).

3. The conference board, in cooperation with the General Board of Church and Society and the annual conference council on ministries, shall develop and promote programs on church and society within the bounds of the conference. To this end it may divide its membership into committees of approximately equal size, patterned after the organization of the General Board of Church and Society. Committees of the board shall have responsibility to cooperate with one another to advance the respective and mutual concerns of their respective areas in social education, service, witness, and action.

4. The conference board of church and society shall serve to connect the General Board of Church and Society and the district and local churches in relating the gospel of Jesus Christ to the members of the Church and to the persons and structures of the communities, nation, and world in which they live. Program shall be developed which provides education and action on issues confronting the Church consistent with the Social Principles and the policies adopted by the General Conference.

5. The board shall estimate annually the amount necessary for support of its work and shall report this amount according to the procedure of the annual conference. The work of the board may be considered a benevolence interest of the Church within the conference.

6. The annual conference may employ a person or persons to further its purposes. Two or more annual conferences may cooperate in developing their programs and in employing one or more persons.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 728
1996 United Methodist General Conference