1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 730


730. 1. Conference Board of Laity--There shall be in every annual conference a conference Board of the Laity which shall provide for the ministry of the laity related to the objectives of the General Board of Discipleship as set forth in 1201-1229.

2. The purpose of the conference board of laity shall be:

a) To foster an awareness of the role of the laity both within the local congregation and through their ministries in the home, work place, community, and world in achieving the mission of the Church; to develop and promote programs to cultivate an adequate understanding of the theological and biblical basis for lay life and work among the members of the churches of the annual conference.

b) To develop and promote stewardship of time, talent, and possessions within the annual conference in cooperation with the conference council on ministries.

c) To provide for the training of lay members of annual conference.

d) To provide support and direction for such lay programs as lay speaking, the observance of Laity Day, and the work of lay leaders on the local and district levels.

e) To organize a conference committee on lay speaking which will fulfill the requirements of 278-280 on behalf of the conference. This committee shall set guidelines and criteria to be used by district committees (see 758).

3. The following membership of the board is recommended: the conference lay leader, associate conference lay leaders, the presidents and two representatives elected by each of the conference organizations of United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, United Methodist Young Adults, and the conference council on youth ministries, and in addition, the district lay leaders, two laymen, two laywomen, and two youth elected by the annual conference upon nomination of the conference nominating committee, a district superintendent designated by the Cabinet, the director of the conference council on ministries, and the presiding bishop. Special attention shall be given to the inclusion of persons with handicapping conditions and racial and ethnic persons.

4. The conference lay leader shall chair the board. Other officers shall be elected as the board shall deem necessary.

5. The board shall relate to the lay speaking ministry and to the organized lay groups in the conference, such as United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, United Methodist Young Adults, and United Methodist Youth, and shall support their work and help them coordinate the activities of the organized laity of the conference.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 730
1996 United Methodist General Conference