1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 736


736. Episcopal Residence Committee--1. The provision of housing for effective bishops in the jurisdictional conferences shall be the responsibility of the annual conference or conferences comprising the episcopal area to which the bishop is assigned.

2. In each episcopal area in the jurisdictional conferences there shall be an Episcopal Residence Committee. The committee shall be composed of the following persons:

a) The president, or his/her designate, of the conference committee on episcopacy from each conference.

b) The president, or his/her designate, of the conference council on finance and administration from each annual conference.

c) The chairperson, or his/her designate, of the conference Board of trustees from each annual conference.

d) Consultants without vote, with specific expertise related to the tasks of the committee, may be utilized.

3. The chairperson of the episcopal residence committee shall be the representative of the committee on episcopacy of the annual conference in which the episcopal residence is currently located.

4. It shall be the responsibility of the episcopal residence committee:

a) To make recommendations to the annual conference(s) regarding the purchase, sale, or rental of an episcopal residence.

b) To prepare an annual budget covering the cost of providing the episcopal residence which may also include utilities, insurance, and normal costs of upkeep in maintaining the residence.

c) To forward the proposed budget annually to the General Council on Finance and Administration for its action as to that portion of the episcopal residence expense which shall be paid from the Episcopal Fund (see 927).

d) To forward the proposed budget annually and recommend to each conference council on finance and administration the proportionate share of the proposed budget to be borne by that annual conference, such proportionate share to be approved by each annual conference as it acts on budget recommendations (711).

e) To supervise the expenditure of funds allocated from all sources for expenses related to the provision of the episcopal residence, and to account for such expenditures annually to each annual conference in the episcopal area and to the General Council on Finance and Administration.

f) To give oversight in all matters related to upkeep, maintenance, improvements, and appropriate insurance coverages for the episcopal residence.

5. Titles to properties held as episcopal residences shall be held in accordance with 2515.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 736
1996 United Methodist General Conference