1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 758


758. District Committee on Lay Speaking--There may be a district committee on lay speaking related to the annual conference through the conference committee on lay speaking.

1. The purpose of the district committee on lay speaking shall be to plan and supervise the lay speaking ministry within the district.

2. Membership shall be the district lay leader, district superintendent, district director of lay speaking, an instructor of lay speaking courses, other resource persons as desired.

3. The responsibilities of the district committee on lay speaking shall be to provide basic training for local Church lay speakers and advanced courses for certified lay speakers, as recommended by the General Board of Discipleship, to decide who shall be recognized as certified lay speakers, to help match lay speakers with service opportunities, and to support and affirm lay speakers as they serve.

4. The district committee shall plan advanced courses for lay speaking that will enable certified lay speakers to maintain that recognition.

5. The district committee will report to the pastor and charge conference of each certified lay speaker the courses that have been satisfactorily completed by the certified lay speaker.


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1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 758
1996 United Methodist General Conference