1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 759


759. Committee on District Superintendency--There shall be a Committee on District Superintendency.

1. Membership--This committee shall be composed of eleven members, including the district lay leader, and two persons appointed by the district superintendent. It is recommended that the remaining members of the committee consist of two laywomen, two laymen, two clergy, and two at-large members, all of whom should be selected with special attention to the representation of racial and ethnic persons, youth, (264.2) young adults, (264.3) and older adults, (264.5), and persons with handicapping conditions. At least three of the eleven persons shall be clergy and seven shall be lay persons.

2. Selection--The members shall be selected in such manner as may be determined by the district conference or, where there is no district conference, by the annual conference. The district committee shall be authorized to co-opt members as advisory members who have expertise in areas of special need. The bishop of the area, or his/her authorized representative, shall be an ex-officio member of said committee.

3. Meeting--The district committee shall meet at least annually and upon call of the district superintendent and/or the chairperson of the committee. The committee shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary.

4. Purpose--The purpose of the committee on district superintendency shall be to support the district superintendent of the district in the oversight of the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Church with special reference to the district where the superintendent has responsibilities. In fulfilling this purpose, the committee shall give attention to the following responsibilities:

a) To advocate for adequate budget support services for the district superintendent; such as, adequate secretarial support, travel, continuing education, and parsonage needs (523.2; 711.1a).

b) To be available for counsel.

c) To keep the district superintendent advised concerning conditions within the district as they affect relations among the district superintendent, the laity, the clergy, and the district agencies.

d) To establish a clearly understood process for observing the district superintendent's ministry with direct evaluation and feedback; with special concern for the inclusiveness of the Church and its ministry with respect to sex, race, and national origin, and implementation of the consultative process in appointment making.

e) To consult with the district superintendent concerning continuing education and to arrange with the Cabinet and bishop for the necessary time and financial assistance for the attendance of the district superintendent at such continuing education events as may serve his/her professional and spiritual growth.

f) To interpret to the people of the district and to the district boards and agencies the nature and function of the district superintendency.

5. Consultation--The district committee and the district superintendent shall engage in an annual consultation and appraisal of the work of the district superintendent in the district and shall serve in an advisory relationship with the bishop of the area.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 759
1996 United Methodist General Conference