1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 760


760. United Methodist Women--Constitution of United Methodist Women in the District--Article 1. Name--In each district there shall be a district organization named United Methodist Women, auxiliary to the conference organization of United Methodist Women and the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries.

Article 2. Responsibilities--The responsibilities of the district organization of United Methodist Women shall be to work with local units in developing programs to meet the needs and interests of women and the concerns and responsibilities of the global church; to encourage and support spiritual growth, missionary outreach, and Christian social action; and to promote the plans and responsibilities of the Women's Division and the conference organization of United Methodist Women.

Article 3. Authority--Each district organization of United Methodist Women shall have authority to promote its work in accordance with the plans, responsibilities, and policies of the conference organization and the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries.

Article 4. Membership--All members of organized units of United Methodist Women in the local Churches of the district shall be considered members of the district organization. The district superintendent shall be a member of the district organization of United Methodist Women and of its executive committee.

Article 5. Officers and Committees--The district organization shall elect a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, and a committee on nominations. Additional officers and committees shall be elected or appointed in accordance with the plans of the Women's Division as set forth in the bylaws for the district organization of United Methodist Women.

Article 6. Meetings and Elections--There shall be an annual meeting of the district organization of United Methodist Women, at which time there shall be presented a program designed to meet the needs of the women of the district in harmony with the purpose and the plans and the responsibilities of the conference organization and the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries. Officers and the committee on nominations shall be elected, the necessary business transacted, and pledges made for the ensuing year.

Article 7. Relationships--a) Designated officers shall represent the district organization of United Methodist Women on the various boards, councils, commissions, and committees of the district as the constitution and bylaws of such agencies provide.

b) The district president shall be the only district representative with vote on the conference executive committee.

c) The district organization shall encourage women to participate in the total life and work of the Church, and shall support them in assuming positions of responsibility and leadership.

Article 8. Amendments--Proposed amendments to this constitution may be sent to the recording secretary of the Women's Division of the General Board of Global Ministries prior to the last annual meeting of the division in the quadrennium.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 760
1996 United Methodist General Conference