1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 762


762. Each district of an Annual Conference may organize a district Council on Youth Ministry.

1. Purpose--The purpose of the district council on youth ministry is defined as follows: to assist local Churches in ministry for, with, and by junior high and senior high youth more effectively; to serve as a channel of communication and involvement among the youth ministry in the local Churches, the conference council on youth ministry, and the general agencies of the Church; to initiate youth programs for the district to influence the total programming of the district and conference as it relates to the concerns and needs of youth, and to take primary responsibility for promoting and raising money for the Youth Service Fund.

2. Membership--Each district may determine the membership and the method of election of its district council on youth ministry in consultation with the conference council on youth ministry. It is recommended that the membership include the following; a) no more than one-third of the membership shall be adults; b) at least 50 percent ratio of nonwhite persons, if possible; c) the district Youth Coordinator to be a member by virtue of his/her office; d) representatives on the conference council on youth ministry.

3. Functions--The functions of the district council on youth ministry may be determined by the annual conference council on youth ministry and/or the district council on youth ministry. The following functions may be incorporated in its work;

a) To study the needs of the junior high and senior high youth ministry of the local Churches in the district and help them establish and provide more effective ministry in and through the district.

b) To keep local Churches informed of the work of the whole Church in youth ministry and to challenge each church to full participation.

c) To serve as a two-way channel of communications between the local Church youth and the annual conference, and to assist local Church youth in communication with one another.

d) To cooperate with the programming and ministry of the district council on ministries as it serves to provide leadership training to persons in the district.

e) To assist in the implementation of the program of the annual conference, and particularly of the annual conference council on youth ministry.

f) To serve as an advocate for the free expression of youth in the district and local Churches of the district.

g) To provide leadership training.

h) To promote, educate, and be a resource to local Churches on Youth Service Fund.

i) To participate with the district superintendent and the conference coordinator of youth ministry, who shall serve as its advisor. The district council on youth ministry's responsibilities shall include organizing, programming, consulting with local Churches, and nurturing adult workers with youth in the district.

4. Finances--Each district council on youth ministries, in consultation with the conference council on ministries and the district council on ministries, shall determine the method by which it will be financed.


General Conference Index | PETS Index | 1992 Book of Discipline Index

General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 762
1996 United Methodist General Conference