1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 802


802. Amenability and Program Accountability--1. All the general agencies of The United Methodist Church that have been constituted by the General Conference are amenable to the General Conference, except as otherwise provided.

2. Between sessions of the General Conference, the following general agencies are accountable to the General Council on Ministries: the General Board of Church and Society, the General Board of Discipleship, the General Board of Global Ministries, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, the General Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns, the General Commission on Religion and Race, the General Commission on the Status and Role of Women, the Gen-eral Commission on Archives and History and the General Commission on Communications in mat-ters pertaining to their program responsibilities.2

3. Evaluation of general agencies by the General Council on Ministries shall be part of the

accountability relationship (1006.14). The evaluation process and its results shall be reported to each General Conference. The purpose for agency evaluation is to assist the agency in the process of fulfilling and supporting its ministry. Local church groups, district, and annual conference organizations may receive an explanation of the evaluation process by requesting it from the General Council on Ministries.

4. Questions and concerns about programs, projects, or decisions of a particular agency may be addressed to that agency, with copies to the General Council on Ministries. Agencies shallacknowl-edge receipt of requests for information within thirty days and provide information as soon thereafter as it is available.

5. If any district, annual conference, or general agency initiates, joins, monitors, or terminates a boycott, the guidelines in the 1992 Book of Resolutions should be followed. The General Conference is the only body that can initiate, empower, or join a boycott in the name of The United Methodist Church.

6. In all matters of accountability episcopal oversight as provided in 527 is assumed.

2See Judicial Council Decisions 429, 496.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 802
1996 United Methodist General Conference