1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 910


General Funds

910. Definition of General Funds--The terms general fund(s) and general church fund(s), wherever they appear in The Book of Discipline, refer to: the World Service Fund, including World Service special gifts and Advance special gifts; the General Administration Fund; the Episcopal Fund; the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund; the Ministerial Education Fund; the Black College Fund; the Missional Priority Fund; the Temporary General Aid Fund; the World Communion Fund; the Human Relations Day Fund; the United Methodist Student Day Fund; the One Great Hour of Sharing Fund; the World Order Sunday Fund; Peace with Justice Sunday Fund; Native American Awareness Sunday Fund; the Youth Service Fund; and such other funds as may have been established by the General Conference and have been specifically authorized by the General Conference to be raised on a churchwide basis. They are restricted assets and are not funds of local Churches, Annual or Jurisdictional Conferences, or other units of the denomination. Such general funds are to be disbursed for the purpose or purposes set forth in 912-932 and budgets or similar directives adopted for the respective funds by the General Conference. The General Council on Finance and Administration, in the fulfillment of its fiscal responsibilities pursuant to 906, shall only have authority to disburse moneys contributed to any of these funds in a manner specifically authorized by The Book of Discipline or for a purpose set forth in the budget or directives adopted by the preceding General Conference for that particular fund.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 910
1996 United Methodist General Conference