1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 912


912. The World Service Fund--The World Service Fund is basic in the financial program of The United Methodist Church. World Service on apportionment represents the minimum needs of the general agencies of the Church. Payment in full of these apportionments by local Churches and annual conferences is the first benevolent responsibility of the Church.

1. The council shall recommend to each quadrennial session of the General Conference the amount of the annual World Service budget for the ensuing quadrennium and the method by which it shall be apportioned to the annual conferences. In cooperation with the General Council on Ministries it shall prepare and recommend a plan of distribution of World Service receipts among the World Service agencies, in accordance with the procedures described in 906.1b. In the planning of the World Service budget it shall be the role of the General Council on Finance and Administration to facilitate sound fiscal and administrative policies and practices within and among the general agencies of the Church. It shall be the role of the General Council on Ministries to relate the budget askings of the program agencies to one another in such a way as to implement the program and missional priorities of the Church.

2. The general secretary or other duly authorized representative of each agency of The United Methodist Church requesting support from the World Service Fund and the authorized representative of any other agency for which askings are authorized by the General Conference shall have the right to appear before the council at a designated time and place to represent the cause for which each is responsible, provided that such representation has been previously made to the Council on Ministries.

3. The World Service agencies shall not solicit additional or special gifts from individual donors or special groups, other than foundations, unless approval for such solicitation is first secured from the council.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 912
1996 United Methodist General Conference