1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 913


913. World Service Special Gifts--A World Service special gift is a designated financial contribution made by an individual, local Church, organization, district, or annual conference to a project authorized as a World Service special project by the General Council on Ministries. General agencies which qualify under the provisions of 1007.6b(1) shall be eligible to recommend projects for approval by the General Council on Ministries as World Service special projects.

2. General guidelines governing the types of projects which may be recommended for approval as World Service special projects shall be approved by the General Conference on recommendation of the General Council on Ministries and the General Council on Finance and Administration.

3. The World Service special gifts program shall be under the supervision of the General Council on Ministries, which shall be responsible for (a) establishing project approval criteria consistent with the guidelines adopted by the General Conference; (b) establishing the process by which projects may be recommended and approved; (c) approving projects to receive World Service special gift support; and (d) providing adequate staff administration and program accountability.

4. Churches and individuals shall give priority to the support of World Service and Conference Benevolences and other apportioned funds. World Service special gift giving shall be voluntary and in addition to the support of apportioned funds. World Service special gifts shall not be raised as a part of a fund apportioned by an annual conference.

5. World Service special gifts shall be remitted in full by local Church treasurers to annual conference treasurers, who shall remit each month to the General Council on Finance and Administration the total amounts received during the month as World Service Special gifts. The council shall remit such gifts in full to the administering agencies, which shall acknowledge the receipt of every gift to the donor or the local Church.

6. The promotion of this program may include general promotion, for purposes of name identification and visibility, which shall be the responsibility of United Methodist Communications.

7. Specific cultivation of approved projects shall be done by the administering agencies to specific audiences that have demonstrated previously their interest and concern for the ministry contained in the approved project. Expenses for specific cultivation shall be borne by the administering agencies. No promotional or cultivation expenses shall be paid from World Service Special Gifts receipts. Such expenses shall not exceed amounts approved by the General Council on Finance and Administration and the General Council on Ministries under guidelines approved by the General Conference.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 913
1996 United Methodist General Conference