1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1109


¶ 1109. Executive Committee--The executive committee shall be composed of the officers of the board and such other members as the board may designate. The committee shall include representation from racial and ethnic groups, women and men, age groups, the central conferences, and each jurisdiction. The committee shall have the power ad interim to fill any vacancies occurring in the elected staff, pursuant to the bylaws of the board and The Book of Discipline, and to transact such business and adopt such resolutions and statements as are authorized between the meetings of the board. It shall report all of its actions to the board promptly after each of its meetings and again for confirmation at the next meeting of the board. It shall have special responsibility for long-range planning, for reviewing and recommending program priorities to the board, and for recommending allocations of staff, budget, and program resources in accordance with such priorities. This would include long-range planning that anticipates the future needs of the board, the church, and the society.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1109
1996 United Methodist General Conference