1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1207


1207. Christian Education and Age-Level Ministries--1. The board shall have general oversight of the educational interests of the Church as directed by the General Conference. The board shall be responsible for the development of a clear statement of the biblical and theological foundations of Christian education, consistent with the doctrines of The United Methodist Church and the purpose of the board. The board shall devote itself to studying, supervising, strengthening, researching, evaluating, and extending the educational ministry of the Church. The board shall be responsible for the educational program which is carried on through the structure adopted for the local Church.

2. The total Christian educational program of The United Methodist Church for use in local Churches shall be developed by the board. The educational program shall seek to encourage persons to commit themselves to Christ and membership in his church; to learn about and participate in the Christian faith and life, including study of the Bible, and to develop skills which enable them to become effectively involved in the ministry of God's people in the world. It shall include the educational emphases and activities of all the general departments and interests of the denomination, such as evangelism, stewardship, missions, Christian social action, and Bible instruction. It shall be developed as a comprehensive, unified, and coordinated Christian education program for children, youth, adults, and families in local churches. It shall be promoted and administered by the board in cooperation with those agencies responsible for Christian education in jurisdictions, annual conferences, districts, and local churches. It shall give careful consideration to the needs of all churches, such as small and larger churches, rural and urban settings, ethnic populations.

3. The educational ministry in local Churches shall provide for study, worship, fellowship, and service, including social action, recreational, evangelistic, stewardship, and missionary activities as education in the Christian way of life.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1207
1996 United Methodist General Conference