1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1210


1210. Cooperation--The board shall cooperate with other boards and agencies as follows:

1. The board shall cooperate with other general boards and agencies in the promotion of stewardship, evangelism, worship, mission education, and social action, and in the evaluation of these ministries from the perspective of sound educational procedure.

2. The board shall, in cooperation with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, give guidance to training which encourages the continued growth of local Church directors, ordained and diaconal ministers, and associates of Christian education; educational assistants; director/managers of camping; and directors and ministers of music. Particular emphasis will be given to ministry to persons with handicapping conditions.

3. The board shall be responsible for developing a unified program of mission education for all age groups in the local Church and for developing aids for use in colleges, universities, and schools of theology. The board shall cooperate with the General Board of Global Ministries in the interest of effective mission education. The mission education program shall include provisions for the following:

a) Linking emerging philosophies of mission and of education through information flow and cooperative work of the respective staffs and boards;

b) Developing and interpreting varied styles of mission education appropriate to different groups, including age groupings and the various racial and ethnic cultures;

c) Curriculum planning for education in mission, providing mission information about projects supported by The United Methodist Church (including ecumenical projects) through the Church school resources, and preparing curricular and other materials for mission education;

d) Participating with various agencies in the design, development, and promotion of ecumenical mission education resources;

e) Developing and interpreting educational approaches and channels for mission giving of children, youth, and adults, such as the Children's Fund for Christian Mission;

f) Developing and interpreting models for new approaches to mission study and educational participation in mission, including travel and study seminars;

g) Certifying leaders for schools of mission through developing educational criteria;

h) Disseminating a comprehensive listing of mission resources for leaders;

i) Cooperating with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the General Board of Global Ministries in providing an emphasis on mission education in the schools of theology through United Methodist courses on history, polity and doctrine now required for candidates considering ordination or consecration.

4. The board shall have authority to cooperate with the jurisdictional, annual conference, district, and local Church agencies responsible for education, with other agencies of the Church, and with ecumenical agencies in cooperative enterprises to further the cause of Christian education.

5. The board is authorized to cooperate with the Christian Educators Fellowship of The United Methodist Church in such ways as will develop and strengthen the educational ministries of the Church.

6. The board is authorized to cooperate with the General Board of Global Ministries in the planning and execution of programs for the strengthening and development of the town and country, urban, and ethnic local Church ministries of The United Methodist Church and of interdenominational cooperation in these fields.

7. The board shall be authorized to project and promote plans for church school extension throughout the Church and to cooperate in the strengthening of the Church through Christian education inclusive of the three following ways: a) sponsoring new United Methodist Church schools; b) starting new church school classes; c) expanding teacher/learning opportunities in the congregation and community.

8. The board shall have the responsibility to develop, in cooperation with jurisdictional agencies responsible for education, a general program and plan to further within the annual conferences all the interests of the Christian education within the purview of the board.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1210
1996 United Methodist General Conference