1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1212


1212. Evangelism Responsibilities--1. To set forth an adequate biblical and theological basis and understanding for the personal, corporate, and social aspects of evangelism, consistent with the doctrine and tradition of The United Methodist Church, and to communicate and interpret the same to the membership of the Church.

2. To give particular emphasis to the promotion and interpretation of comprehensive and practical ministries and programs of evangelism at the conference, district, and local Church levels, so that persons who are not active Christian disciples through any local Church will be cared for and invited by a United Methodist church.

3. To give guidance to the Church in using leisure time and the appropriate days and seasons of the Christian calendar for special evangelistic emphasis as a part of the ongoing ministries of evangelism.

4. To provide training and resources for strategies, ministries, and programs in evangelism, including resources for the local church work areas on evangelism (262.5) and related committees and task forces.

5. To cooperate with other program agencies of the Church in supporting and equipping both clergy and laity at all levels in involvement in evangelism, Church growth, and new congregational development.

6. To provide and encourage research in what creative congregations are doing in effective evangelism that can serve as models for other churches, and to foster experimentation and demonstration of additional evangelistic approaches, consistent with the nature of the Christian gospel and the Church, at all levels of the Church's life including new congregations and all racial and cultural groups.

7. To provide resources and services for those serving as pastors and directors of evangelism in local Churches, and associate and assistant pastors and directors of evangelism.

8. To set minimal standards for elders desiring to serve as general evangelists. The board shall send copies of these standards quadrennially to the bishops, district superintendents, conference Boards of Discipleship and general evangelists. An elder who feels called of God to be a general evangelist should prepare definitely for such service under the guidance of the annual conference to which the person belongs.

9. To maintain and service the General Military Roll for The United Methodist Church and to work in cooperation with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry so that United Methodist chaplains may be aware of and informed concerning all forms and phases of evangelism.

10. To relate and provide liaison services to denominational and ecumenical associations and fellowships of evangelism.

11. To seek mutual cooperation among and with the seminaries of the Church and the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry in the training and nurturing of persons for ministry and in continuing education where the responsibilities intersect.

12. To communicate with other agencies in whose programs the subject matter of evangelism would be included, and to provide counsel, guidance, and resources for the implementation of such programs.

13. To participate in and cooperate with the work of the Curriculum Resources Committee of the board for the inclusion of evangelism concepts and resources in local Church study curriculum.

14. To provide, as needed, consultation with conference, district leaders, local congregations, and other agencies to develop strategies in evangelism for church growth and new congregational development.

15. To work with the General Board of Global Ministries for the extension of the Church. To this end there shall be a Joint Committee on Congregational Development with equal representation of members from the General Board of Discipleship and the General Board of Global Ministries which shall meet at least annually to expedite cooperation between these two boards in the field of congregational development of both new congregations as well as the revitalization of existing congregations.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1212
1996 United Methodist General Conference