1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1221


1221. Committee on Older Adult Ministries--1. There shall be a Committee on Older Adult Ministries which shall be administratively related to the General Board of Discipleship.

2. Purpose. The committee will provide a forum for information sharing, cooperative planning, and joint program endeavors as determined in accordance with the responsibilities and objectives of the participating agencies. The committee shall serve as an advocate for older adult concerns and issues, and to support ministries by, with, and for older adults throughout The United Methodist Church and in the larger society.

3. Responsibilities. The responsibilities of the committee shall include the following:

a) Identify the needs, concerns, and potential contributions of older adults.

b) Promote a plan of comprehensive ministry by, with, and for older adults in local Churches that includes spiritual growth, education, training, mission, service, and fellowship.

c) Support the development of resources that will undergird local Church ministries by, with, and for older adults.

d) Advocate development and implementation of policies and service designed to impact systems and concepts which adversely affect older adults.

e) Educate and keep before the Church the lifelong process of aging with emphasis on the quality of life, intergenerational understanding, and faith development.

f) Encourage the development of resources and programs that can be used by annual conferences, jurisdictions, and the denomination at large in training and equipping older adults for new roles in the ministry and mission of the Church.

g) Serve as focal point for supplying information and guidelines on Older Adult Ministries to local churches.

h) Encourage coordination among agencies responsible for the development of resources, programs, and policies relating to older adult ministries.

4. Membership. The committee shall be composed of one board member and one staff member from each of the following agencies: the General Board of Discipleship, the General Board of Global Ministries, the General Board of Church and Society, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and the General Council on Ministries; one member (board or staff) from the Commission on the Status and Role of Women and one from the Commission on Religion and Race; one retired bishop representing the Council of Bishops; one central conference representative; five older adults, one to be selected by each jurisdictional College of Bishops; and no more than five additional members to be selected by the committee for expertise, professional qualifications, and/or inclusiveness (racial/ethnic, handicapping condition, age, gender, laity, clergy, or geographic distribution). Staff members will provide appropriate liaison and reports to their respective agencies. They will have voice but not vote.

5. Meetings. The committee will meet at least once a year in conjunction with a meeting of the General Board of Discipleship.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1221
1996 United Methodist General Conference