1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1223


1223. United Methodist Men's Division. Responsibilities-- The responsibilities of the United Methodist Men's Division shall be to have primary oversight for the coordination and resourcing of men's work within The United Methodist Church.

1. To provide resources and support services to foster the development of units of United Methodist Men.

a) Provide specific and optional models for these organizations.

b) Receive recommendations from the National Association of Conference Presidents of United Methodist Men, and other national organizations representing the central conferences and other worldwide Methodist liaisons.

c) Promote the chartering and annual recertification of local Church men's units with the General Board of Discipleship.

d) Establish models for jurisdictional, annual conference, and district level organizations for the purpose of carrying out the objectives as set out in 265.

2. To seek methods for involving men in a growing relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ and his church.

a) Provide resources and support for programs of evangelism in cooperation with the area of evangelism which are geared to men's needs. To assist men to discover that witness is an integral part of daily life in the work place, the community, the parish, and the home.

b) Provide resources and support for programs of mission in cooperation with all areas of the Church dealing with missional opportunities enabling men for outreach and service as an integral part of their Christian servanthood.

c) Provide resources and support for programs of spiritual life in cooperation with areas of faith development to assist men to realize that witness and outreach, mission and ministry, are extensions of their faith development and their relationship to God through Jesus Christ.

d) Provide resources and support for programs of stewardship in cooperation with the area of stewardship which will lead men to an understanding of their responsibility for stewardship, including time, talent, money, and prayer.

e) Seek resources and support for men as husbands and fathers in a rapidly changing society.

f) Continue in a constant search for new and better ways for The United Methodist Church to minister to and through men.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1223
1996 United Methodist General Conference