1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1308


1308. Staff--The National Youth Ministry Organization shall have an executive director.

1. The responsibilities of the executive director shall be:

a) To provide managerial oversight of National Youth Ministry Organization and staff.

b) To communicate the decisions of National Youth Ministry Organization.

c) To communicate the concerns of youth to the general boards and agencies.

d) To interpret the actions of National Youth Ministry Organizations to The United Methodist Church.

2. Administrative staff persons shall be nominated by the National Youth Ministry Organization Steering Committee and elected by the General Board of Discipleship.

3. The National Youth Ministry Organization Steering Committee shall also determine the need for additional staff. The National Youth Ministry Organization Steering Committee shall also determine the responsibilities of the additional staff member(s).

4. In all meetings of the National Youth Ministries Organization Steering Committee, National Youth Ministry Organization Convocation, and National Youth Ministry Organization Legislative Assembly the staff shall have the right of voice without vote.

5. The General Board of Discipleship in consultation with the National Youth Ministry Organization Steering Committee, shall provide access to office space and support service to the staff of National Youth Ministry Organization. The staff shall be governed by the personnel policies and guidelines of the Committee on Personnel Policies and Practices (905.4d) and the National Youth Ministry Organization Steering Committee.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1308
1996 United Methodist General Conference