1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1310


1310. Youth Service Fund--There shall be a Youth Service Fund which shall be a means of stewardship education and mission support of youth within The United Methodist Church. As a part of its cultivation the youth shall have been challenged to assume their financial responsibilities in connection with the total program and budget of the Church of which they are members. Local Church treasurers shall send the full amount of Youth Service Fund offerings to the treasurer of the annual conference, who shall retain 70 percent of the amount for the annual conference council on youth ministry. The annual conference treasurer shall send monthly the remaining 30 percent to the treasurer of the General Council on Finance and Administration to be forwarded to the National Youth Ministry Organization. All other Youth Service Fund money raised in the annual conference shall be divided in the same manner and distributed in the same way.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1310
1996 United Methodist General Conference