1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1411


1411. 1. All properties, trust funds, annuity funds, permanent funds, and endowments now held and administered by the Board of Missions, the Board of Health and Welfare Ministries, and the United Methodist Committee on Relief of The United Methodist Church; the Board of Missions of The Methodist Church; the Board of Missions of The Evangelical United Brethren Church; and their respective divisions shall be carefully safeguarded. The General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church and its divisions and departments shall endeavor to invest in institutions, companies, corporations, or funds which make a positive contribution toward the realization of the goals outlined in the Social Principles of The United Methodist Church and to administer such investments in the interest of those persons and causes for which said funds were established. Such properties, trust funds, annuity funds, permanent funds, and endowments shall be transferred to the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church or its respective divisions and departments from merged boards and societies only when such transfers can be made in accordance with the laws of the states where the several boards and societies are chartered and on the recommendation of the respective divisions and departments and the approval of such boards and societies. Funds of the administrative divisions and departments and their preceding corporations and societies which are subject to appropriation shall be appropriated only on recommendation of the respective divisions and departments. (See 906.6, .8.)

2. Former Evangelical United Brethren mission agencies located within the United States not directly owned by the National Program Division or the Women's Program Division of the General Board of Global Ministries and which receive more than fifty percent of their charitable donations through United Methodist channels of giving shall be governed by a board of trustees or directors of whom two-thirds of its elected voting membership shall be members of The United Methodist Church.

3. The financial affairs of the board shall be as follows:

a) The income of the divisions and departments of the board, exclusive of the Women's Division, shall be derived from apportionments, assessments, or askings distributed to jurisdictions, annual conferences, and pastoral charges by the budget-making process of the General Conference in such manner as the General Conference may prescribe, and from Church schools, gifts, donations, freewill offerings, annuities, bequests, specials, and other sources from which missionary and benevolence funds are usually derived, in harmony with The Discipline of The United Methodist Church and actions of the General Conference. Funds for the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Women's Division shall be derived from annual voluntary pledges, offerings, gifts, devises, bequests, annuities, or money received through special emphases and from meetings held in the interest of the division.

b) Cultivation for the Advance shall be through channels of the Church other than United Methodist Women.

c) All contributions to and income on all funds of the board or its respective divisions and departments should be used for current expenses and annual appropriations unless otherwise designated by the donor.

4. Askings shall be received from the fields, and budgets shall be prepared by the divisions and departments in such manner as the board may prescribe, consistent with its constitution and charter, and this combined budget shall be presented to the General Council on Ministries in accordance with 906.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1411
1996 United Methodist General Conference