1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1420


1420. Committee on Deaconess Service--1. There shall be a Committee on Deaconess Service, which shall be advisory to the General Board of Global Ministries through the National Division.

2. The Committee on Deaconess Service shall be composed of one bishop who is a member of the General Board of Global Ministries; four active deaconesses and two active home missionaries selected by national vote of the active deaconesses and home missionaries; two directors of the National Division and two directors of the Women's Division chosen by the respective divisions, at least one of whom shall also be a director of the Mission Personnel Resources Department.

Additional members may be co-opted as deemed necessary by the Committee on Deaconess Service.

3. There shall be an executive committee and other committees as necessary for carrying out the duties of the Committee on Deaconess Service.

4. The work of the committee shall be carried out in accordance with the bylaws as approved by the National Division of the General Board of Global Ministries.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1420
1996 United Methodist General Conference