1421. The Deaconess Program Office--There shall be a program office for deaconesses to represent the deaconess relationship on a national level and to maintain a community of professionally competent persons who are committed to service under authority of the Church. The executive secretary of the program office shall be a deaconess.
1. All administrative policies and procedures that pertain to the office of deaconess shall also apply to the office of home missionary and be administered by the Deaconess Progam Office (1418-1421).
2. The General Board of Global Ministries shall assign the administration of the program office to the National Division or such other division or department as it may determine (1403.1b).
3. There may be a national organization of deaconesses which shall operate according to policies approved by the National Division.
4. There may be jurisdictional organizations of deaconesses and home missionaries and their support constituencies which shall operate according to policies approved by the National Division.
General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn
1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1421
1996 United Methodist General Conference