1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1423


1423. Responsibilities--The responsibilities of the Women's Division shall be:

1. To recommend program and policies to United Methodist Women.

2. To interpret the role and responsibility of the division in fulfilling the mission of Christ and the Church.

3. To provide resources and opportunities for women that enrich their spiritual life and increase their knowledge and understanding of the needs of the world and their responsibility in meeting those needs.

4. To secure funds through the channels of United Methodist Women for the support of the program of the Church through the General Board of Global Ministries, with special concern for the needs and responsibilities of women.

5. To project plans specially directed toward leadership development of women through appropriate planning with the other divisions and agencies of the board.

6. To strengthen the Church's challenge to women to enlist in the diaconate as missionaries and deaconesses.

7. To enlist women in activities that have a moral and religious significance for the public welfare and that contribute to the establishment of a just global society.

8. To work with the other agencies of the Church and community in areas of common concern and responsibility. A United Nations Office shall be conducted in cooperation with the General Board of Church and Society.

9. To give visible evidence of oneness in Christ by uniting in fellowship and service with other Christians, including the World Federation of Methodist Women, Church Women United, and other similar groups, thereby strengthening the ecumenical witness and program of the Church.

10. To formulate concepts of contemporary mission.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1423
1996 United Methodist General Conference