1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1450


1450. Responsibilities--The program responsibilities of the Mission Education and Cultivation Department are:

1. To interpret to the Church the programs, plans, and policies of the board and to plan and promote emphases on global ministries.

2. To initiate and develop, in consultation with appropriate divisions/departments, programs and resources through which individuals and groups may understand and participate in the global ministries of the Church and to make known channels through which these ministries may be supported.

3. To prepare, sell, and distribute printed, audiovisual, and video and other electronic resources and periodicals for the General Board of Global Ministries.

4. To cultivate, through channels of the Church other than United Methodist Women, the Advance special gifts for national and overseas ministries administered by the National and World Divisions, and the United Methodist Committee on Relief Department, in accordance with the General Council on Finance and Administration, assuming responsibility for providing information to the donors (914).

5. To work with ecumenical agencies in fulfilling department responsibilities.

6. To develop and coordinate the plans for cultivating mission giving in consultation with the divisions and departments of the General Board of Global Ministries, the General Board of Discipleship, the General Council on Finance and Administration, and the General Commission on Communication, subject to and in harmony with the general financial system of The United Methodist Church as adopted by the General Conference.

7. To cooperate with the Curriculum Resources Committee of the General Board of Discipleship in providing opportunities for missional involvement and understanding at all age levels (1223).

8. To cooperate with the General Commission on Communication in all ways as mutually agreed upon, including communications, training, audiovisual, and video and other electronic production, benevolence interpretation, and other areas of common concern.

9. To cooperate with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the General Board of Discipleship in providing an emphasis on mission education in the schools of theology.

10. To cooperate with divisions, departments, jurisdictional and annual conferences, district superintendents, pastors, local Churches, United Methodist Women, men's groups, and other groups within the Church in fulfilling these responsibilities.

11. To coordinate the itineration of missionaries on furlough, retired or on home assignment, providing to them a specific period of training and assistance in effective communication, to include audiovisual techniques, public speaking, briefing on current issues, an overview of the board's work, and an expert's critique of their planned presentation and slides.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1450
1996 United Methodist General Conference