1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1455


1455. Responsibilities--1. To administer the Crusade Scholarship Program which enables persons from churches in nations other than the U.S. and from ethnic and racial groups in the U.S. to prepare for leadership in mission in church and society.

2. To administer the Crusade Scholarship resources in harmony with the mission leadership strategies of the program divisions with fiscal accountability to the General Council on Finance and Administration.

3. To promote the opportunities for mission service related to the General Board of Global Ministries throughout the constituencies of the Church.

4. To recruit and select persons for missionary and deaconess service, and to cooperate with personnel-assigning divisions in orientation, training, and evaluation of personnel and in the staffing of mission agencies.

5. To recommend persons as candidates for commissioning as deaconesses and missionaries, to supervise and confirm the completion of all requirements for commissioning, and assist in arranging for the act of commissioning.

6. To engage in referral, transfer procedures, and career counseling to assist persons in mission in fulfillment of their missional vocation.

7. To establish criteria and procedures and to develop in cooperation with jurisdictional and conference officers opportunities for persons to participate as short-term volunteers in mission.

8. To work with ecumenical agencies in fulfilling departmental responsibilities.

9. To cooperate with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry in matters related to Crusade Scholarships and the preparation of persons to participate in the representative and commissioned ministries of the Church.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1455
1996 United Methodist General Conference