1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1460


1460. Objectives and Responsibilities--The objectives and responsibilities of the United Methodist Committee on Relief shall be:

1. To provide immediate relief of acute human need.

2. To respond to the suffering of persons in the United States caused by natural, ecological, and civil disaster.

3. To work for the rehabilitation of persons outside the United States caught in distress situations caused by natural and ecological disaster, political turmoil, persecution from any cause, or endemic factors.

4. To assist in rehabilitation ministries with refugees, including resettlement, and to work cooperatively with each annual conference's refugee committee, if organized.

5. To attack root causes of hunger and their consequences through programs of economic and social development.

6. To work with ecumenical agencies in fulfilling department responsibility.

7. To participate in the promotion of the One Great Hour of Sharing and to administer its receipts.

8. To communicate with annual conferences and Churches concerning appeals for help.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1460
1996 United Methodist General Conference