1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1506


1506. Responsibilities--The responsibilities of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall be:

1. To establish and review the objectives of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry within the wider mission of The United Methodist Church.2. To establish appropriate organizational structures within the board and staff to achieve established objectives, including writing bylaws, electing officers, establishing committees, electing staff, and filling vacancies in accord with 812.

3. To determine policy and program, establish goals and priorities, project long-range plans, and to evaluate program and services of the board.

4. To give direction to the staff and to delegate authority to board executives through general oversight of the administration.

5. To report the activities of the board to The United Methodist Church through appropriate agencies of the General and jurisdictional conferences.

6. To develop and maintain cooperative relationships with ecumenical agencies and other denominations for the full discharge of the objectives of the board.

7. To cooperate with other agencies in The United Methodist Church in the fulfillment of the programs of the General Conference.

8. To develop and maintain cooperative relationships with higher educational institutions, campus ministries, chaplains and related ministries, and diaconal ministries throughout the world in collaboration with the General Board of Global Ministries.

9. Upon request, to provide resources and technical assistance in higher education throughout the world in collaboration with churches of the Wesleyan tradition.

10. In cooperation with the General Council on Finance and Administration, develop long-range investments and fund-raising projects within the Church which shall guarantee, insofar as possible, the continuous flow of resources for United Methodist higher education for the decades and the centuries to come. In developing such long-range investments, the division shall adhere to the specific investment guidelines adopted by the General Conference.

11. To promote awareness of and concurrence with Policies Relative to Socially Responsible Investments (816), the Social Principles (70-76), and The Book of Resolutions of The United Methodist Church.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1506
1996 United Methodist General Conference