1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1511


¶ 1511. The division shall represent The United Methodist Church

1. All persons have the right to receive the full ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Church is aware of its responsibility to provide adequate professional ministry to persons in special situations beyond the local Church which calls for an ecumenical ministry to persons of different denominations and faith groups. In order to assure high standards of competence and keep faith with ecumenical agreements concerning uniform standards for ministry in specialized settings, the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries shall have responsibility for clergy in such appointments beyond the local Church (¶ 443.1b) as: federal and other governmental chaplaincies, health-care ministry settings including pastoral counseling, industrial and community service ministries, and other related ministry settings which conference boards of ordained ministry and bishops may designate. Clergy to be appointed to any of the above appointments beyond the local Church shall receive ecclesiastical endorsement through the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries.

2. Duties--a) Recruitment--The division, in cooperation with other units of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, other agencies of the Church, and the annual conferences, shall recruit persons for ordained ministry in the above categories through contacts in undergraduate and graduate schools, including theological schools, national professional societies, and also within the structures of the local Church and boards and agencies of the annual conferences.

b) Interpretation--The division is charged with the responsibility to interpret to the Church at large the need to have trained clergy to staff health-care settings, homes, correctional settings, industry, the armed forces, and counseling centers. The division will also interpret to its constituents the ongoing concerns of the denomination.

c) Endorsement--All United Methodist ordained ministers appointed in the above categories shall receive endorsement from the division prior to such appointment. Endorsement is affirmation that a person is performing a valid ministry of The United Methodist Church and has presented evidence of having the special education, training, skills, and when required, professional certification necessary to perform that ministry. Endorsement is authority granted by the denomination to be appointed to and provide ministry in a specific setting. When such authority is no longer required, the endorsement ceases to exist. The Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries, through its endorsing committee, shall have the authority to grant and remove endorsement and to adopt appropriate rules of procedure for such, providing that the rights of appeal shall be adequately safeguarded. An endorsing committee, made up of ordained members of the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries, and chaired by a bishop, shall represent The United Methodist Church in all endorsing procedures.

d) General Oversight--The division shall provide general oversight for all those under endorsement, particularly for those serving outside the bounds of their annual conferences. The division shall assure conference boards of ordained ministry of the validity of ministry and quality of performance of clergy serving under its endorsement.

e) Annual Recommendation--The division shall verify annually to bishops and conference boards of ordained ministry those clergy under its endorsement and request their reappointment.

f) Advocacy--The division shall serve as an advocate for persons serving in extension ministries under its endorsement. Such advocacy may include: representing their interests within the nonchurch institutional systems where they serve; representing their interests within the connectional system of The United Methodist Church in conferences and boards and agencies; being in dialogue with the various professional and certifying agencies; helping to facilitate, as an agent on their behalf, the transition into or out of extension ministries; and giving attention to the needs for continuing education and ongoing spiritual formation for those under endorsement.

g) Standards--The division shall establish standards for endorsements for all ministry settings in ¶ 443.1c). In addition, it shall provide standards for use by annual conference boards of ordained ministry in determining the appropriateness of other extension ministry settings not identified in ¶443.1 and will assist, as requested, in evaluating specific settings. It shall provide advocacy for persons appointed under ¶ 443.1d) and encourage new efforts to enrich the missional emphases of our denomination through the development of new extension ministry settings.

3. Laity Outside the United States--The division shall assist in providing a ministry to United Methodist laity in or associated with the armed forces, particularly those stationed in locations outside the United States. The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry through the division shall cooperate with the General Board of Discipleship, General Board of Global Ministries, and other agencies of the Church in preparing materials, planning programs, and providing a continuing ministry that includes such activities as retreats, confirmation classes, and other pastoral functions. Basic to all such ministry will be involvement in the life of the local United Methodist community and existing ecumenical and interreligious programs. These shall take into account the language and cultural needs of the persons involved.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1511
1996 United Methodist General Conference