1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1520


1520. Responsibilities--1. Each year the senate shall publish a list classifying United Methodist-affiliated institutions. These institutions shall include secondary schools, colleges, universities, graduate theological seminaries, and special schools.

2. The senate shall also prepare annually a list of approved schools, colleges, universities, and graduate theological seminaries for use by annual conference boards of ordained ministry in determining candidate educational eligibility for admission into full connection.

3. An institution which chooses to disaffiliate with The United Methodist Church for any reason shall: a) inform the University Senate as soon as possible after discussions begin concerning disaffiliation; b) inform all appropriate United Methodist judicatories; c) seek technical and legal assistance from the Division of Higher Education regarding fiduciary issues.

4. The senate shall publish annually, with its list of United Methodist-affiliated institutions, the names of institutions of other historic Methodist Churches which wish to participate in research projects, the insurance program, and technical services of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Such institutions shall be designated as "associate" institutions.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1520
1996 United Methodist General Conference