1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1523


1523. 1. There shall be an organization known as the Council of Presidents of the Black Colleges. It shall be composed of all the presidents of the United Methodist institutions historically related to the education of black people and with a current relationship to The United Methodist Church.

2. Purposes and Objectives--The purpose of the council shall be to:

a) Help identify and clarify the roles of these colleges in higher education and The United Methodist Church.

b) Promote fund-raising efforts through the Church.

c) Study, review, and discuss programs of member institutions.

The council shall have a minimum of two regular meetings in each calendar year, and shall be amenable to the Division of Higher Education in the implementation of its responsibilities.


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PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1523
1996 United Methodist General Conference