1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1525


1525. Purpose--The purpose of the Division of Diaconal Ministry shall be:

1. To cooperate in the study of the needs of the United Methodist ministry, especially in regard to diaconal ministry, and to make recommendations accordingly.

2. To cooperate with other units of the board and other denominational agencies in interpreting the diaconal ministry as vocation and the educational preparation for such ministry.

3. To provide guidance and standards for the academic preparation for diaconal ministry.

4. To develop personal, Church, and professional standards for persons in the diaconal ministry of The United Methodist Church and to provide guidance relating to the ethical and moral problems in specialized ministry.

5. To participate in the continuing study of the ministry so as to include matters of importance to the diaconal ministry in its reports to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and to the General Conference.

6. To study needs and develop standards and procedures for certification in professional ministry careers of The United Methodist Church.

7. To review the conference boards of diaconal ministry recommendations of persons to be approved for professional certification by the Division of Diaconal Ministry of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

8. To provide guidance and standards for the academic preparation for professional ministry careers.

9. To develop guidelines and resources for continuing education of persons subsequent to their consecration and/or certification, and to develop means of in-service training and continuing education to strengthen their ministry.

10. To develop guidelines and resources for the work of the conference board of diaconal ministry.

11. To provide resources and training to the conference board of diaconal ministry concerning counseling and examination of candidates for consecration to the office of diaconal minister and for certification in professional ministry careers.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1525
1996 United Methodist General Conference