1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1526


1526. Responsibilities--The Division of Diaconal Ministry shall:

1. Develop and recommend to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and to the General Conference the requirements and standards that shall be minimal for consecration to the office of diaconal minister in The United Methodist Church.

2. Develop and recommend to the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and to the General Conference the requirements and standards that shall be minimal for certification in professional ministry careers of The United Methodist Church, after consultation with the agencies responsible for programs and areas of work related to the careers.

3. Work with the graduate theological seminaries, other graduate schools, colleges, and universities in development of curricula for the academic preparation of diaconal ministers and others in professional ministry careers, including the Foundational Studies for Diaconal Ministers and the Certification Studies in Ministry Careers.

4. Develop and recommend programs of continuing education for diaconal ministers and others in professional ministry careers.

5. Participate in the study and interpretation of career opportunities in the diaconal ministry.

6. Work with conference boards of diaconal ministry in their responsibility to enlist women and men of all races and ethnic origins for diaconal ministry.

7. Work with conference boards of diaconal ministry in their responsibility for administering the standards and requirements for the office of diaconal minister.

8. Work with conference boards of diaconal ministry in their responsibility for administering the standards and requirements for certification in professional ministry careers.33

9. Work with the annual conference boards of diaconal ministry to encourage the recognition of persons at the time of their entrance into a career in the diaconal ministry, and at the time of the completion of their service in that career.

10. Work with conference boards of diaconal ministry to assure for the diaconal minister conditions of employment, support, and benefits commensurate with the diaconal minister's training, ability, and experience.

11. Work with conference boards of diaconal ministry and other United Methodist agencies to foster cooperative relationships among persons in the diaconal ministry of The United Methodist Church, and with their colleagues in other denominations and faiths.

12. Cooperate with the Christian Educators Fellowship of The United Methodist Church; the Fellowship of United Methodists in Worship, Music, and Other Arts; and other professional associations and fellowships, in ways that will be supportive of their professional ministry careers.

13. Cooperate with other United Methodist agencies and general boards in their resourcing of members in the professional associations and fellowships.

14. Cooperate with the Division of Ordained Ministry and the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries in the continuing study of the ordained ministry and in other areas of mutual concern.

32See Judicial Council Decision 589.


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General Conference Webmaster: Susan Brumbaugh
PETS Creator: John Brawn

1992 Book of Discipline: ¶ 1526
1996 United Methodist General Conference